Tuesday 15 July 2008

Monthly meeting held on 14th July at The Friends Meeting House, Skinnergate, Darlington.
We talked about the Market stall that we had in Darlington at the weekend. The event was focusing on Darlington kerbside recycling scheme. Foe Members were asking members of the public to sign letters in support of the recycling scheme and encouraging the council to recycle more not less as the group fears may happen in the future. These letters are to be forwarded on to Darlington councillors to make them recognise that their constituents are concerned about recycling and waste issues. The event was successful as 130 letters were signed in favour of more kerbside recycling.
We discussed the possibility of having another market stall at the Darlington market spectacular in August. A possible date/s was Friday 15th and possibly Saturday 16th. Again the main focus will be recycling in darlington.
The group has been nominated for a 'Group of the Year' award by Jess Dolan, Northern network developer. The result will be announced at the conference in September.
Darlington Media Workshop is going to hold a Green film festival next autumn. We floated an idea about making a short film ourselves about tracking an item through the recycling process. We hope to get some funding for this project and hope that local schools and organisations would be able to use the film.

Next meeting is scheduled for 11th August 7.30pm at The Friends Meeting House, Skinnergate, Darlington.